Jefferson Players to Watch

He are a few Bear players to watch out for this season.

Eddie Bechard Senior WR/QB/LB 6-2, 185 lbs

Carter Paddy Senior OL/LB 6-3, 230 lbs

Nathan Hintz Senior LB 6-0, 175 lbs

20 thoughts on “Jefferson Players to Watch”

  1. Watch and see. I know these kids. You do not. All schools have cycles, the ones that were up last year are on the downslide, schools at the bottom are on the upswing. No school is great year in and year out.

  2. Great Senior class this year at Jefferson. There's a lot of good disciplined leaders, they will step up and get a lot done this year. Jefferson will be one to watch.

  3. Jefferson has many promising juniors: Wohlgamuth, Brooks, Payette, Gill, Fiala, D'Alfonso, and Humphrey- Sophomore

  4. Also look out for Shawn Patrick Jackson a beast on the o line. 5'9 about 220 he is a force to be reckoned with.

    1. Last year jv team was a solid offense if the juniors can mix well with seniors.defense will be improved also look for a team that can surprise you

  5. Eddie Bechard, Nate Hintz, Carter paddy, Sean Kirchner, Drake wolgumuth, Shane Brooks, Greyson Mack. All solid players for Jefferson

  6. what about drake wohlgamuth at DB who is one of the hardest pound for pound hitters in the huron league , or nick Dalfonso who started on defense last year as a sophomore, both are juniors to watch

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