I usually post this every year but please note that I do not allow some comments to come through and be posted on the blog. This is for numerous reasons. I don’t want the blog to turn into a bashing forum. We can save that for mlive or twitter.
Players are off limits to call out and be critical of. They are just kids who are playing a game that they happen to love. I usually allow some criticism of coaches and their coaching decisions because they are paid professionals. They know this and most don’t seem to mind.
Also, if you ever need to contact me you can send me an email @ huronleaguefootball@gmail.com. I get tons of fan mail on a daily basis.
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
2,370,477 Visitors
First, I want to make sure Chris knows how much I appreciate this site. I enjoy get to see one league game a week and only see the other teams once a season. I like hearing about the ups and downs of the other teams more than the little weekly blurbs in the Monroe News.
My suggestion for the blog is to have a Chris-Approved correspondent for each team in the league. There would be two correspondents covering each league game in depth, which would give the readers twice the content along with weekly coverage from someone who really knows their team's roster and their ongoing triumphs and challenges.
Of course, this is easier said than done. If Chris was having trouble getting one person to cover each game, it could be even less likely to have two of us yahoos cover each contest.
That said, I think it could work.
That was somebody else. There are a few other Jefferson people on here. We stick together. We can leave things at JB. Thanks.
Arent you funny. I was unaware you had friends. At least any that admit it. LOL.
They remain "anonymous"
I am new to this blog this season, but I do find it to be very informative and amusing at times! Let's be honest, everyone wants to stand up for "their" team so emotions can run at a high level at times. We all need to take a few moments when the emotions spike, and wait before we start typing on the computer or phone. If parents and fans can't demonstrate good sportsmanship, how do we expect our kids and their teammates to do so?
With regards to improving the blog and information, I think that it's crucial to communicate out to each school's coaching staff and booster clubs of what stats you are looking to gather. I would assume that many of them aren't aware of the blog. With all the modern technology that we have at our finger tips, it should be quite easy to obtain score updates and other corresponding information. Just my two cents.
Keep up the good work Chris!
JB is fine.
JB for Jefferson Bear.
Just showed my friend (his boys play for Airport) and he suggested JBB … Jefferson Baby Bear … he is joining the blog today during our lunch. He has a lot to catch up on.
Is there some way we can get the Huron League more exposure on these High School Football shows on Fox Sports & WXYZ TV? I watch their shows every week, and rarely do I see any of "our" teams on the shows. We're lucky if we get on the running scoreboard at the bottom of the screen. I think I've only seen Monroe. We've got some good football teams down here, including Ida, Summerfield, and Whiteford. I know they're not Huron League, but from our area nonetheless.
Welcome to the site Jefferson Baby! Should we call you JB or do you have a handle?
Saw SITOFN at GI on Saturday. Miss his weekly updates.
Some just can't post who they are. I love that em, kc, bn post regularly. #9 dad is a welcome addition. I usually shoot Chris info by email and then just read the blog. Keep up the good work! We love hearing the kids names, their stats and interesting game comments.
HI Guys,
I am the Jefferson baby you are referring too. For the most part this is a great blog. I just don't think people should put on here any team will lose 50 – 0.
We all have our theories, predictions, whatever, and the kids read these. Bn, you are probably one the smarter people on here, people who follow know that and when you type something like the 50-0 thing, someone like myself is compelled to stick up for the team you are knocking. This case Jefferson. You seem like a quality man at times, but there was no need for that.
Bottom line there are many quality opinions on here, but when someone is extreme in one direction or the other, crap hits the fan. Whether its saying how a team will continually blow somebody out or a team will get blown out. Many, many people on here are parents, and we will defend our kids and the schools they attend.
Lots or correcting on here too. How about just being able to state your opinion. People correct each other all the time on here. Its opinions, obviously sometimes they are not statistically correct. If they were, this sight would be all facts, not opinions. When I want to be corrected, I have a conversation with my wife. LOL.
Apologize for my rant, but that 50-0 just got under my skin.
Very funny, hope your wife doesn't read the blog.
SMCC only seems like the favorite because thus far they are the best team in the conference. That's how it works. The best teams in college football and the NFL are the ones put in the spotlight. Get over yourselves.
Leave it be as is and just delete the ignorant comments. I've been on the blog since 2010. And I've always enjoyed coming here and seeing the pregame write ups, reading the aftergame write ups, and seeing the scores page and reading the comments of sore commentators who didn't win, and reading the boasting of their teams. It's what I look forward to before the game. After the game. And during the weekend. If people can't enjoy it, there is always MLive. 🙂
Chris how can I contact u? I want to remain anonymous but I'm a coach that can give u some stats
Yes, I get fan mail. Not as much as I used to though. Some good, some bad. Kinda fun.
Just make everyone say who they are. No more anonymous posters. People would be more critical on themselves and hold their tongue so to say. I like the blog. There is a lot of bashing on here though. #9 Dad
You really get TONS of fan mail on a daily basis?
WOW.. all positive or mostly ripping you or others?
Bias and favoritism is the foundation of any media outlet that attempts to inform… Just deal with it or DON'T READ IT.. This sense of entitlement is really amazing. If Chris attends his favorite games and chooses to conclude his opinions based on other media, and you come here. DEAL WITH IT..
No company will take over, but they will have requirements of me if I bring them on board.
unbiased fan is an oxymoron.
I try to be as unbiased as I can. If I think a team will lose 50-0, I say so.
I have been accused of being a follower of almost all the teams, so I can say that I don't slant to heavy in my teams favor.
The Jefferson guy on here is just a little baby and depicts whats wrong with this blog. But he is just one guy and you cant let it ruin a good thing.
If a company is going to take over, they need to KNOW the area and the schools well.
I listen to monroecountyradio.com on Fridays. They broadcast a game a week. The announcers pronunciation of some of the cities is cringing. Meelon(Milan) Sayleen(saline). If you are aren't from the area or even from Michigan(the announcer was from Ohio) then it becomes less enjoyable.
I never put down any player on here, only say nice things and use numbers when I know them.
This blog is a great thing and I hope it continues. I can be of aid but probably not much of one til about 2017 or so. I get out of the county clink at that point.
I actually had people covering games for me in 2010, but it just became too much. I would do it again, if I could get people consistently willing to give me details of the game. I had some good people, they just couldn't go to every game. The best year of the blog was the year I switched over to the Examiner. http://www.examiner.com/huron-league-in-detroit/chris-schultz
The hard part is finding unbiased fans.
The blog is much better coverage of the league than the local newspapers. Some weeks, I wish I could see all 4 games. As technology improves, I imagine coverage of each game will go beyond just updated scores and hopefully includes narratives of whats going on in real time. On occasion, I'm texting friends who are at other games and they are texting me. Imagine if the blog could provide multiple updated narratives of each game. My recommendation is that those that enjoy the blog, click on the advertising, Chris starts making serious money instead of change, he re-invests and buys some high tech remote technology and we get live updates like SportsCenter.
Nobody will post If I require that. I tried it for a month one year and not a single person posted.
I have tried to make this an info only site where I could provide stats and insight with no commenting, but I can't get more than three or four coaches to ever give me stats and information.
The original goal of the blog was to be a site that promoted the athlete and teams because the newspapers (in my opinion) weren't doing a good enough job. They have gotten better since and I am arrogant enough to think I had something to do with that.
I used to do league leaders on Thursdays and Friday Night Stars on Saturday, but getting info from people is like pulling teeth.
I will offer it up again. If anyone wants to take over the blog and try and get cooperation from the schools and coaches then have at it.
I have spoken with a few companies that want to take the blog and make it better with my help, but the time that would be spent cannot be justified.
The league is only so big, On any given Friday you probably have 5,000 people watching HL football at the most. My unique visitors maxes out at 2,000 or so on Fridays and then on Saturday.
I'm sure people have noticed I don't do team previews anymore and I don't write up detailed pre game pieces. I just don't have the info. I used to do a really good All Huron League team ,but got criticized for stealing kids thunder that was given by the coaches. No politics in my picks. I just picked the best players who had the best seasons period.
I have heard some coaches goes as far to tell their kids they can't read the blog. If they would provide me info, I could just give information and there would be no need for commenting.
The blog will continue to be a year to year thing.
So getting back to the original thought people, don't negative comment on the kids
One way to fix the problem this blog has is to make people log in. I know not as many would post and it would hurt the bottom line but it would make for a much better blog. I know you have considered this but I would again.
The problem with this blog is, you cant make critical, sound analysis without people getting insulted by it somehow. Then they go on a rant and it gets worse from there. Searns forum is much better. Many more adults over there. I wish this was ran more like that, by the posters that is. This blog itself is a very nice thing.