Trenton 34 Huron 21 Final
Allen Park 18 Riverview 16 Final
Clinton 14 SMCC 10 Final
Milan 48 Chavez 18 Final
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Trenton 34 Huron 21 Final
Allen Park 18 Riverview 16 Final
Clinton 14 SMCC 10 Final
Milan 48 Chavez 18 Final
I agree 100%. We all need to support our kids. Play a lot or not. Win a lot of games or not, get there. I also noticed some very thin crowds this year. That is ridiculous. I couldn't imagine missing a game with my son on the field making our family proud. I do not understand why other parents would not feel that way.
Very respectable comments about SMCC. Your honesty about academics and modesty about sports are great. I'm sure if more SMCC folk commented like that, SMCC would have a lot more respect on this blog. I am a Jefferson parent, but I do know some quality SMCC folk. I'm sure your one of them.
Well said, 10:28. My problem is with the "know it alls" who make false accusations about SMCC, just assuming that it is true. No matter where you decide to send your kid, if you are not raising your child right, and just blaming everyone and everything for the lack of success that your child is having, you may want to start by looking in the mirror. Whether it is in athletics, academics, or anything else, it starts with the parents. Your team not winning? So What! Get out there and support your child. Every kid on that field puts in a ton of time and effort, not only on the field, but in the classroom. They have to keep their grades up in order to play. Show them you care by showing up at the game. Some of the home crowds I saw this year were kind of embarrassing. The public schools have a lot more to offer with the amount of honors and AP classes they have. For my family, generations have gone to parochial schools, so why would I send my kids to public school. I don't tell anyone how to spend their money, so don't get a bug up your butt and tell me that my kids were recruited. My family has made a large sacrifice in order for my kids to go to SMCC. I would have sent them there if they didn't win ANY games. The Championship last year was a pleasant surprise, and I'd be lying if I said that we all didn't enjoy every last bit of it. I'm sorry if that sounds arrogant, but you can't tell me that every single last one of you wouldn't say the same thing if it happened to you. I'm sure that Jefferson and Erie Mason enjoyed their championships when they won. So don't hate because we won ours.
Wow, this SMCC stuff has really escalated. SMCC can use any slogan they want, they just have to back it up. When you don't, expect some criticism. What is on here is a little much. I think a sign in your yard declaring "school of champions" is a bit arrogant. I think a sign stating Class C D6 football champs would be cool, or any of the other sports. When you declare that your school is the "school of champions" your asking for trouble.
Please keep in mind that families are paying $20,000 to $30,000 + to be a part of this. They need to get something for that kind of money. Those of us that put our kids in public school have to learn to put up with this since we have not decided to pay the money.
I'm sure I speak for many, no matter where your child goes to school, if you raise them right, they will be a champion too. Public, private, or whatever.
Congrats to Milan for moving on. Also congrats to SMCC for a great season. All of these recruiting comments have me a little curious. First of all with school of choice you can go to any public school in the county. An Example of how the public schools recruit;Two families in Monroe, one resides in the city of Monroe and the other resides just in the Ida school district sent their sons to Dundee public schools to wrestle. The results,four individual state champions and four team state championships. So if you want a power house in football quit complaining and go out at recruit some student athletes. This is why Ithicca and Farmington Harrison is so successful over the years. The kids that want to be part of something special go there. This is why SMCC gets some great talented student athletes The kids want to be part of something. Andd lastly " I can't believe CC lost to a division 6 school" well I quessing that your school also lost to a division 6 school at some point during league competition.
I have nothing but respect for the job Hoskins has done at Milan. Hope he gets his first district title Friday night. EM
My friends and I will be at Milan looking for a Big Red WIN Friday night.
S.M.C.C. Fans
Anyone wishing for any highschool team to lose is just sad. These are all kids we are talking about. Some of you are sad excuses for adults and role models. Every kid that goes out on that Field and gives it his/her all and supports the team is a champion. The Huron league is full of champions both on and off the field. I think we could all step back, open our eyes and learn from these kids.
Bear Pride
Big Red Pride
Chief Pride
Devil Pride
Falcon Pride
Jet Pride
Pirate Pride
Ram Pride
Huron League Pride
I'll be there supporting #9 Dad. Good luck. Enjoy this moment – there is nothing better than witnessing the excitement of your son and his friends compete and win all the way up to the title game. Your team has an amazing coach that I'm sure will use the talents of his players to bring them as far as possible in this journey to the title.
Again, good luck. I'll be there watching until the last game.
SMCC fan
Milan has another home game this week against Detroit Denby. Should be a great game. Just wanted everyone to know the Big Reds are still alive.
#9 Dad
School of Champions –
Winner of State Championships in athletics.
Students scoring highest test score averages in the community.
Parents the leaders in the community.
Students accepted to top University in the country.
Highest overall ACT scores in the area.
I guess it really is a school of champions. As the lesser would not understand, a loss or set back is motivation to strive and become better – it's all a part of being a champion.
Champions don't wish bad on opponents nor do they hope for their losses. Champions admit the better team won and look forward to the next contest.
The lesser can only have satisfaction when the champion has a set back. This is so evident by the negative comments by the lesser parents that find joy when a champion faces a better team.
True champions get up prepare and look forward to the next game. The lesser sit back and can only wish they were on the same level. Pity to all the lesser that can only find good by a set back of a true champion. They will never learn that trying to keep the champion down by slander and badmouthing will not make themselves nor their team any better.
So to all that find happiness in a football game loss – sit back, keep your mouth closed and witness what a true champion school and program does to prepare to get better for the next game. You will see that it isn't about bad mouthing and ridiculing others – hard work and focus makes champions – take note on the first paragraph listed above.
CC people just can't take it that maybe it's possible for them to lose a game. But no worries they will recruit more kids and once again be "THE School of Champions."
Thanks!!!!! 😉
Well, now that the season has ended for SMCC and my son will graduate this year I must confess that he was recruited and we never did pay the full cost to attend.
The recruitment process started in first grade at one of the fine local catholic grade schools. Being raised by the Catholic faith in the early grades made the recruiting process fairly easy when it came to selecting SMCC for high school.
Each year, friends, neighbors and strangers help fund his tuition by purchasing calendars. This is a part of the total cost of going to SMCC so in a way I guess others are paying a portion of his schooling.
And yes, this is a school of champions – the bitterness by a select few hating the fact that my son played at Ford Field and won a state football championship is so sad. Yes, my son has a state championship ring and it represents a moment during his high school years when YES he was a part of a school of champions. I know this because his girlfriend has a SMCC championship ring for volleyball and his old girlfriend had one for SMCC softball. Oh I can't forget that his older brother has one from when he played football for SMCC too.
So as you can see, "school of champions" is pretty accurate. It may sound pompous or arrogant but it sure is better than the school of coulda-shoulda-woulda but can't be a champion high.
Best of luck to Milan – I hope the amazing coach, supportive parents, and talented players go all the way so they may also share in the brotherhood of being a school of champions. There is nothing better than seeing all the hard work your child and his teammates put in being rewarded with a state championship. Good luck in the rest of your games there are many adult parents from he HL rooting for you.
The jealous, bitter parents only recourse at this stage of the season is try and bring you down by saying next year your in the bottom two of the league. Play for today and prove the woulda-coulda-shoulda of the league wrong and win a championship.
No worries here. 🙂
Can't we all just get along?
Im sorry Chris. You aren't a retard. Just got mad. You are a great dude.
Taking shots at CC? Its not my fault that they named themselves "THE School of Champions" and can't win a D6 playoff game. I forgot nobody can take shots at CC cause they are full of perfect students. My apologizes. And don't worry when MY school beats "THE School of Champions" I will laugh but don't worry they will recruit kids and will be fine. I forgot about their recruitment game. Im sorry I won't hurt your feelings anymore. Nothing bad happens at CC. Any team can win a D6 state championship but i forgot I must stop saying crap about CC.
Well, if YOUR school continues to perform they way they have for the last 10 years, I and the rest of the Huron League have absolutely NOTHING to worry about. But, hate and misery seem to have the ability to prolong themselves somehow on this good earth, so maybe, by your 147th birthday, your team may have a slim chance of at least having a winning record. But until that happens we'd all appreciate it if you keep our GOOD name out of your hateful mouth. You wouldn't be the first person to choke on something good.
I who said CC will finish last next year? "THE School of Champions" will recruit some more guys and they will be "THE School of Champions"
-The guy who can't take criticism
You mad bro? Just referring to what someone called me. Obviously you don't no me too well. I really wish I was willing to out people who hide behind anonymous post. I'm sure people would love to see see who post what.
As for criticism, It's easy to throw stones at me. I'm one of three people actually not afraid to attach a name.
I got to say you are a pretty funny guy!
-Same dude that cant take criticism
If your going to be critical of people, you need to be able to handle criticism yourself. Me being a retard does not seem to stop you from reading my blog. 😉
Using the"R" word is inappropriate. You're an administrator of some sort at a school correct? You should know better. What's next? Racial and homosexual slurs?
You're an idiot. You're also gonna be the reason why Chris no longer does the blog. So when it stops, we'll have your ignorance to blame. Good job.
If I were you, I'd make it to where people need their gmail login to comment. Yeah people won't comment (because they're scared to come out from behind anonymity) but it'll weed out the losers who only come to run their mouths.
Lose sorry retard. Didnt know I could not make mistakes.
All CC cares about is their dumb "School of Champions" quote. Congrats last year you guys were great in every sport. CC softball will win another state title for sure. But come on. "THE School of Champions"? That's retarded. Show some class. The school of Champions does not loose in the first round of division 6 football playoffs. Give me a stinking break.
All you seem to care about is taking shots at SMCC. You, my dear mentally challenged friend, are the only person with a learning disability. Each day of your miserable life is probably spent hoping against hope that some misfortune has befallen SMCC. What an unfortunate existence. You may want to take a break from torturing puppies to somehow realize that as long as we SMCC fans consider ourselves Champions, and prove it against YOUR TEAM consistently, year after year, who gives a rodents posterior what you think. When, and if, your team ever makes the playoffs, you MAY learn what "Champions" means. But, I highly doubt it.
Well SMCC is the champion of the Huron League.
Those boys from Riverview are great kids…great game last night..does anyone know if #2,#3,#4,#28,#32,#45,#55 are going on to college to play? Those boys are very good and could play somewhere maybe not D1 but you never know!!!
I would like to know the Downriver leagues record vs the Huron. I think the only win ever was Huron vs Trenton last year. Riverview should come join the downriver league when Taylor Truman closes in 2 years. That would be a great upgrade.
Hey they won the Huron League. How'd your team do?
Lol 8:02 – yep, teams lose! I think the Riverview game was kind of a red flag honestly. Nothing against Riverview, but when you literally cannot move the ball, it's a problem. Give props to Clinton for stopping them. Milan should continue to roll. Best of luck to them!
THE School Of Champions lost!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Champion is what these kids become. It is not based on the score of a game or the record of their season. SMCC football 2016 starts today!
Yep. What am I gonna say? It was the ref's fault? The other team cheated? I could be like the rest of the HL, except Milan & Flat Rock, and blame everyone and everything else including the alignment of the planets, for the Falcons early exit. They only have themselves to blame. From the opening whistle, they took a good Clinton team WAY too lightly. They DEFINITELY were looking ahead to the future games. They completely abandoned their philosophy of "one game at a time", and took everything for granted. Top to bottom, no one is without blame. There was no fire, no passion, no hunger. Clinton had ALL that and then some. The Falcons were going through the motions. They couldn't capitalize on any of the 4 Clinton turnovers. The game was more evenly matched than SMCC realized and had absolutely NO sense of urgency to do anything about it. Is Clinton a better team than SMCC? Last night they were. And, unfortunately for the Falcons, that's what matters in playoffs. The Redskins made plays when it mattered most. SMCC did it last year. So, we may not be the Champions this year, but we will ALWAYS be THE school of CHAMPIONS!!!
Congratulations Clinton. You earned it!
Great season by all! Time to root for the remaining team. MILAN!
Great game in Allen Park last night. It seemed Allen Park was poised to pull away in the 2nd half but Riverview wouldn't allow that to happen. #2 for Riverview carved em up on the final drive. After they scored the TD with a minute left I thought for sure they were headed for OT. But #2 got stopped at the 1 yard line. Those Riverview kids have nothing to be ashamed of. EM
Good seasons for SMCC, Huron, and Riverview. And good win for Milan! Keep representing the Huron League well. All positive vibes from here
Sounds like sour grapes 11:12 lol…… Milan's numbers have been down on the lower levels that's for sure, but Milan's J.V. Teams have not been very successful since Coach Hoskins got there, even when Matt Hartwick was the Qb 4 years ago. The fact is that kids really get coached up at the varsity level and Milan is not void of talent. Just need more kids to play and they are not the only school low on numbers. That staff gets the most out of their kids and don't think they will have an issue competing in the future unless Coach Hoskins decides to step away from the position. Milan is a good football team that is fighting for each other and their coaches. They are a family and that's what makes HS football the best sport there is, especially when dealing with the adversity they have. A bunch of great kids playing for each other and the people they care about. There is nothing better in sports today and that is why HS football molds young adults into the men they will become and are today. I'm thankful for Coach Hoskins and his staff for the job they have done molding these boys into young men with high character and strong family values.
Milan Fan
Hoskins does a good job of developing their talent. 2 three year starters in barnes&lindeman can win you 5 five games. plus they have some good kids that will leaps and bonds with the district title. Matter of fact with the title they will get interest from other area player recruits since ypsi lincoln cant keep them. plus ypsi is mediocre therefore players want a place to get educated, play and win in football…Milan is 1 or 2 in league next yr. Inside Job
Everyone should know the Catholics would never win on Devils night.
Lol. Post of the night!!!
It was the Devil's crew officiating. They didn't favor either team, they flagged both teams all game.
Nothing like a Friday night, bouncing in the bed of a moving big rig. Lol I won't get to enjoy the Michigan fall night til tomorrow evening. Stay safe y'all! And have a good night!
Beautiful night for a fire in Waltz, Michigan. Blogging while drinking an imported Munich Weiisse beer from a brewery founded in 1328. Must be 35 degrees out, but feels like heaven.
Wow was I wrong. I totally thought SMCC would dominate that game. Hold SMCC to 10 points at that. Nothing to be ashamed of SMCC, you guys had a great season with a league title.
NB Huron tried to make a come back. Tough loss for them as well. Hartwick is a great kid and I hate it for him and his team mates.
RV hats off to you guys as well. Sounds like they had some missed opportunities in the red zone. All 3 teams should be proud of what they accomplished this year.
Now for the BIg Reds, we are moving on!!
Yes Chavez was not that good, but we played our game and most of the starters were out at the end of the 1st. Next up is Denby at home. That is huge for us.
Would have really loved to see the league have more than one horse in the race at this point. So with that said, congrats to Milan on your win, SMCC, Huron and RV, stand tall guys, you had a great year.
#9 Dad
BTW Chris, you were damn close calling the Huron game. 34-24 with a final of 34-21; almost! Guessing like that could win you an 2016 Explorer from Channel 955 if you could guess a Detroit Lions score lol
Congrats Milan! Keep on chugging! The rest of the league is rooting for you guys! Keep it up!
Huron; you guys gotta learn that there are 4 quarters of ball to be played. You can't finally appear in the 2nd half and expect a miracle every time. 3 four and outs with back to back possessions. That can't happen. Work hard in the off season and come back next year and show everyone that same team you had last year! You guys were certainly capable of hanging in that game and contending. 2 TDS in the 4th quarter; you should've had 40+ on the scoreboard with at least 2 TDS per quarter. You guys are capable. You just gotta step it up!
Huron league 1-3 . Tough night but the river ire, Allen park game was very good. Neither team could field kick offs. The refs in the riverview game were awful. At least 20 penalties
Tough loss for the View. I think it's safe to say the league was a little down this year. Huron was outclassed by a decent Trenton team, Milan did what they should do but we'll see after the Denby game. The Huron League champions should also be able to win at least one game in D-6. The CC run is done. Riverview, Milan and Huron will compete for the league next year. After that it's a toss up. FR and Airport had good jv teams but we'll see if that translates in year one for those kids. It wouldnt surprise me to see the two Monroe schools at the bottom of the league next year.
Milan will not compete for the league next year. They have #9 the qb coming back and NOBODY ELSE. The last 2 JV teams were horrible. If I was Lindeman and Barnes I would high tail it out of town. Their talent can only take them so far when they have nobody else around them
They are always welcome at SMCC, as well as kids that are in the band or theater.
They will compete for the league title, they will make the playoffs, and most likely they will have 2 seniors who will rush for a 1000 yards each. Win or lose, they are FAMILY!!!
#9 Dad
So you think CC and Jefferson will probably finish last next year? So at least we won't have to hear that woman cry about wanting to kick CC out of the league!
2006 against Foley in A monsoon. SMCC has to score more than 10 points. Defense gave up big pass play on 4th and 20 for a TD. Kudos to Clinton for hanging around and coming away with a win. CC had a chance at the end but overthrew a open receiver in the end zone. Make a run Clinton!
Good job Milan-Keep on rolling!!
When is the last time SMCC took a first round exit?
2006 I think
Allen Park recovers on side and wins the game. Great game. EM
Allen Park 18 Riverview 16. 1:04 left. Riverview got stopped at 1 yard line on 2 point try. EM
48-18 Milan final
The only good Tight T team in Monroe is Ida.
Now it's time to pray
Please. Let us prey.
CC lost 14-10
What's central score. Come on. Let us prey.
Come on View
Allen Park 18 Riverview 10 7:44 left. EM
Allen Park 18 Riverview 7. 10:20 left. EM
Allen Park 18 Riverview 7. 10:20 left. EM
CC 10 Clinton 7 start of the 4th
CC recovers fumble back in business
15-8 AP
CC 10- Clinton 7 end of the 3rd
Allen Park 15 Riverview 7. 6:07 left 3rd quarter. EM
Halftime Milan 48 Chavez 12
48-12 halftime Milan
Allen Park 8 Riverview 7. 9:27 left 3rd qtr. Nice opening drive Riverview. EM
Let's go view!
Cmon SMCC!!! Get the offense going. EM
Backups in for Milan. 10 minutes to go in 2nd
Sitting on the Allen Park side. Not a vocal fanbase. You can hear a pin drop. EM
CC looks like crap tonight.
Yes they did. They must of really got banged up last week. Differant team than when they played Milan.
Chavez strikes back with a 69 yard bomb. Nice ball on that throw.
Allen Park 8 Riverview 0 halftime. Riverview's best drive was early 2nd qtr. They got stopped at the 5 yard line. EM
…and now 42 – 0 after a Lindeman pick six
Milan leads 36 – 0 at the end of the 1st
Milan 36 Chavez 0 end of 1st qtr
Milan 36 Detroit Ceasar Chavez 0
:30 left in 1st
cc score updates please
Correction 8-0 AP
Allen Park 8 Riverview 0. 1:38 left first quarter. EM
Ap 7 riverview 0
Allen park 7 riverview 0 2:50 first quarter