144 thoughts on “Friday Night Scores”

  1. Cabrini plays by the rules. They are not that great at sports, but have a bigger newer school, full facilities and lower tuition.

  2. Don't kid us 6:35. Stacked for basketball. You have picked up 3 well over 6ft transfers this year. 1 from Bedford, 1 from MIlan, 1 from Monroe. Have Umpress from last year. This is getting a little obvious now. Just take the trophy know. I hope we forfeit against you. Momentum is mounting.

    I appreciate the fact your doing your best to keep your school going, but it should be done through academics and religion, NOT mainly focusing on successful sports. Your long time families are getting tired of it. Kids appear on your teams and the kids who have put their time in sit. Not the way to go.

  3. Facts are facts, if you don't like it, then take your kid and go somewhere else and play. You may not like that SMCC's kids come from all over or you may not like the style of offense that they run but guess what, it works for them and the numbers prove it. People need to stop complaining and just have their program get better and practice harder. It's football and I'm glad that they have had a winning program to bring some recognition to this part of Michigan.
    Riverview Fan

  4. Man I do not like smcc at all I think there a very arrogant group in general. All this talk about them dominating the league and being removed from the league has put me in there corner . Simple fact get better. Every single one of us as parents has the options to send our kids there. If you kids main sport is football and he's good send him. If he's not then probably stay where your at he'll get some play time. Maybe Get beat 1 week out of the season by smcc but still be playing the rest of the season

    1. I think that it is just a few arrogant students that are making coments. Most of them are just giving it back to opposing students that keep saying they are going to roll cc. Hey kids are goung to be kids. But most of the fans could say alot more to defend their school after hearing trash all year long.

  5. SMCC vs Huron League Records All time

    Smcc vs Flat Rock 46-10 81%
    Smcc vs GI 40-14 73%
    Smcc vs Airport 43-10 81%
    Smcc vs Jefferson 33-15 68%
    Smcc vs Huron 46-1 98%
    Smcc vs Riverview 27-12 69%
    Smcc vs Milan 14-8 63%

    Take it any way you want too folks. Looks like only 1 team really making out here.
    The odds are way against all of us except SMCC. These are actual records from MHSAA.

    1. Cabrini is 0-12 vs Riverview and 0-3 vs GI (see MHSAA). How could they lose? They are a Catholic school. I wonder if they are crying too? They should petition to join the Huron League. They might lose to every team, except yours.

  6. I'm not saying that CC is a draw like the Yankees. I'm saying that the CC fans travel pretty well and they usually match the number of "home fans". I can't say the same thing for the 30 or so Airport fans that watched their team at Navarre this season. But even you have to admit that butts in the seats, no matter who they belong to, equal $$. Unless you're jumping the fence to get in. And even then, you may want a hot dog or a Coke.

  7. The talk about kicking C.C out of the league makes the people saying look like Cry Babies!! I know this is a Football blog but there are a ton of other sports that are played that they are in the Middle of the Pack. I def am not a fan but respect what they do on the Field. That's whats wrong nobody can tip there hat to a better team and work on beating them, instead cry and want them removed. Funny how Jefferson is one of the worst team the past few years but give them a battle mostly every year. But what do I know i'm an idiot!! lol

    ……….. Jefferson
    ……….. Riverview
    1993 ……….. Jefferson
    1994 ……….. Jefferson
    1997 ……….. Riverview
    1998 ……….. Airport
    ……….. Riverview
    1999 ……….. Jefferson
    2000 ……….. Airport
    ……….. Milan
    2001 ……….. Jefferson
    2002 ……….. Airport
    2003 ……….. Airport
    2004 ……….. Riverview
    2007 ……….. Airport
    ……….. Milan
    2008 ……….. Airport
    2011 ……….. Airport
    2012 ……….. Milan
    2013 ……….. Milan


    SMCC—– 10
    Airport— 7
    Milan—- 5

    Courtesy of BN

  9. Right now the focus is on Jefferson so we can wrap up the league title. Then it's one week at a time. We can't control who we play in the playoffs.

  10. GRWC could EASILY be in D6 this year. If they are, that changes everything to whoever marked the calendar for SMCC vs Ithaca.


  11. 448 you are obviously not from cc. 2 brothers transferred one is a freshman. So obviously won't be on varsity. If you were from cc you would know that. Again people love to stir the pot. Oh and by the way he is 6'8

    1. Last year O'brien was 6'4" and was on varsity basketball. Also seeing the freshman transfer walking thru halls he is no where near 6'4". He's more like 6'0" and his brothers around 6'6" maybe even taller

  12. Chris, was there a reason that Barnes didn't start at QB for Milan? Just curious. That kid has got a heck of an arm, with feet to match. Price was no slouch either.

  13. Settle down chief we haven't won anything yet! A lot of football to be played. On a lighter note we just two basketball transfers from Bedford so we can win the league this year in Basketball. 6-5 and 6-4

  14. Can everyone just stop being cute and picking against SMCC now? There are 1 or 2 teams that can keep it close with us in the league, the rest aren't even going to be close. Seriously, we should just play 2nd string, or the league should seriously consider allowing our JV to play a couple teams. And don't give me the jazz about that being dumb… I've seen JV vs Varsity drills at SMCC that are much more competitive than the HL.

    We are the favorite in every HL game. Stop picking against us.

    Guessing this post isn't PG enough to be posted but whatever… when there are literally comments above where people want us removed from the league for being too good this is all common knowledge.

    1. Obviously a kid on the team, that's an extremely disrespectful post. Take garbage like that somewhere else, you clown.

    2. 90's was dominated by Jefferson, 2000's by Airport, and now since 2010 it's been SMCC. Yes SMCC has been damn good as of lately but it hasn't always been that way. Chris, would you be able to give an exact number of league titles per team since 1990 or so?

    1. People will usually come to see some teams more than others. That's why certain pro and college programs will charge higher prices for games that feature those certain teams. Usually ticket prices for NY Yankees/Tigers games cost more in Detroit. People come out to see the Yankees. UT does the same thing for premier teams that come to them to play. I've been to many away games where the SMCC fans numbers equal or surpass the home fans. Not always, but sometimes. All those fans, both sides, pay admission, concessions, 50/50 tickets, etc.

    2. I'd hardly call that "huge revenue". Now CC is a draw like when the Yankees come to town? CC is an excellent football program, and the talk to have them removed is ridiculous, but I promise you that my son's football team is not making any huge purchases because we played CC at home. Please get over yourself.

  15. I know right! We lost three lineman to Monroe High and one moved up north. However we just got two 6' 5" basketball players from Bedford to help us win the the league in BB this year.

  16. Maybe we should just kick out the teams that bring the league down! How about that? If you want a trophy and not play at a higher level then put your kids in a city rec league and stop your crying.

  17. 1:25am the following programs winning year after year after year since the 50s:

    East Lansing
    Grand Blanc
    Utica Eisenhower
    Livonia Stevenson
    Farmington Hills Harrison
    Dearborn Fordson
    Marine City
    Allen Park
    Iron Mountain

  18. " I am from the school district that you have drawn the most kids from" … which is where? Airport, Monroe, Jefferson? Do you think the parents of the kids that live in those districts ever planned on their kids going to your school? I live in one of those districts and never planned to send my kids to a public school. I'm Catholic and want a Catholic education for my kids. I wanted a school where God is celebrated, period. Yes, SMCC has a historic football program. So do a lot of schools (public included) that have GREAT football programs going all the way back to the 50s.

  19. 2:31 AM – Send your kid to a private school then and stop your crying. One minute you guys flab your traps that SMCC boys cant beat your team because they are small and slow. Then when they kick your cans in you cry they should not be in league.

  20. Both programs have Great football teams but more importantly GREAT kids. When the teams came together in the center of the field after the game it shows the charter these young men have!! Being part of a great football program will do that Best of luck to both teams show the rest of the state what the Huron League is about

  21. OMG….quit complaining about a private school whooping your a**. Get better…work harder…put in the time! The MHSAA will laugh at your attempt to remove SMCC, but give it your best shot. If it's not CC on top, it'll be someone else. Wanna kick them out, then, too? The blog gets more ridiculous every week. #9 dad…you are the only class on here. Congratulations and best wishes to your son and Milan.

  22. Love the comment "it's sad for the small school". Just how big do you think SMCC is?? I bet smaller than your "small school"!!!!

  23. SMCC has won 1 state title since 1991. SMCC has won 5 Huron League championships since 1997. Hardly dominant my friend. go complain somewhere else. The league is balanced and well.

  24. I’d like to be a mouse on your shoulder when the Huron League and the MHSAA laughs at your petition. Along with a good football team S.M.C.C. brings along huge revenue for your school and all the other schools they play.

    1. This is very true. (1) SMCC brings alot of fan base wich amounts to alot of revenue to this league. (Yes your school as well) (2) Would you like to drive your team all over the Metro Detroit area to play your GAMES. I didn't think so.

  25. At the end of the day, the 8 titles will be won by private schools most of the time. Until they change the rules, this will not change. I could list how many titles they have, but will just list the schools.

    Birmingham brother rice
    Detroit Catholic Central
    Orchard lake St. Mary's
    Detroit country Day
    Muskegon Catholic central
    St. Mary's Catholic central
    Jackson lumen Christi
    Lansing Catholic central
    Grand rapids Christian
    Grand rapids West Catholic
    Warren De Lasall
    Detroit Loyola
    Traverse City St. Francis
    Waterford our lady of the lakes

    There is a reason why the private schools won six of eight state titles last season. It's more sad then anything for the small schools that have greet HS football teams and get killed by the likes of SMCC, JLC, Det Loyola, Muskeegan CC etc……… Until the MHSAA makes a change, it will be the same year in and year out

    1. Clarkston
      Cass Tech
      Lake Orion
      Macomb Dakota
      Grand Ledge
      Walled Lake Western
      Rochester Adams
      Chippewa Valley
      Zeeland West
      Marine City
      Muskegon Orchard View
      Three Rivers
      Whitmore Prescott
      Iron Mt.
      Harbor Beach
      Beal City
      Crystal Hills Forest Park
      New Lothrop

      All public schools who have won state football titles in the last 15 years. Many of them multiple (Ithaca 4, FHH 5+, and EGR 5). Stop crying and get better.


  26. First off, congrats to SMCC for the win tonight and for wrapping up the league championship. No other way to say it, they are the better team. The clear advantage the Falcons had in the trenches on both sides of the ball was the difference, a difference that became more apparent as the game went on. You could count the number of zero gain and negative plays for SMCC's offense on one hand and still have fingers to spare.

    I think the Falcons just converted another 3rd down…

    On defense, SMCC's ability to stuff the run and rush effectively with just their four down lineman allowed the linebackers to split out wide on the edges to help shut down outside runs, QB rollouts, and limit the gains from Milan's quick passes to the wideouts. Mix in a well-times blitz and the results speak for themselves.

    I can talk about the rest of the season and playoff possibilities down the road. Tonight, I just wanted to give the Falcons their due.

  27. . Inside job again I told you Milan doesn't know how to stop SMCC why didn't they just watch the 12 and 13 winning team it's right there on the film how to beat them it was a purposeful defensive scheme to beat them

    1. That does not mean he is better. What it does mean is SMCC ran the ball. #4 carried the ball 28 times. Trace touched it 8 times. They beat us up front. We did not do our job for trace. It's ok. You won so you have the right to brag. We have thick skin.

  28. SMCC is very good. Running behind 55 and 81 was unstoppable. #4 is a great back. We played our hearts out and no quit from the Milan kids. Not having Hendricks is a killer for Milan. It would be similar to SMCC not having Woolford for their team. Milan ran multiple defensive fronts, so I don't believe that there were adjustments to be made. SMCC was just stronger in the trenches. It wouldn't of matter what they ran. There was no stopping them tonight.

    I saw two big penalties that kept this from being a close game in the first half and eventually was a 14 point swing. The encroachment penalty on 3rd and goal and the low block the following possession that went from 3rd and 1 to 2nd and 20. Without those, worse case scenario is a 20-14 SMCC halftime lead. With that being said……. It wouldn't of mattered because SMCC was a better team. And we all know games are won in the trenches no matter what level of football and that was evident tonight. Hats off to SMCC. They have a great football team and a class act. Haven't seen Ithica, but they will roll JLC on their way to Ford Field. Milan is a very good football team that I think could make a serious run into the playoffs. Hats off to the kids and coaches for what they have gone through the last two weeks. The meeting between the two teams after the game shows serious class from SMCC and the Milan family is exactly that no matter what had taken place for 48 minutes on the field. Hope the best for SMCC on their run and I know the Milan boys are only gonna get better in the next two weeks.

    Milan Parent

  29. It was said in jest. Jest had enough. I have reviewed records since joining the league in 1968. By far the only team who has benefitted from the league is SMCC.
    The league is good for SMCC, not for the rest of us. There is no real competition here for them and it will continue. The CYO is not as bad off as everybody thinks. They will not miss a beat folks.

    I have all the records against each team. Ridiculous. Its like continually beating up your little brother. It gets old. I am surprised SMCC doesn't want to join a tougher league.

    There system is flawless, they continually win, so it attracts the best talent, all of our talent leaves to join them. Its a viscous cycle that will continue forever. Nothing personal. The paperwork will begin at years end. Good luck. Hope you win state title again. It will just help the case.

    Too bad the Twin Valley Conference is on the west side now.

    By the way, I am from the school district that you have drawn the most kids from.

    1. Hey please calm down. I already talked to the league director and for next year (on a trial basis only of course) they won't keep score and everyone will get a partitipation trophy.

    2. You should petition your school to compete in the Lenawee County league. Teams in the Huron league are too tough for you … pound for pound we are one of the toughest leagues in the state.

  30. Thanks for the insight #9 Dad. Like I said I'm out of town so I don't have a good idea of how the games looked / progressed. Hope Milan bounces back and makes a good playoff run.

    1045pm – offensively, gotta be Tecumseh. But I think that was more poor defense by CC. So it's definitely gotta be Riverview. They must have had one hell of a scheme to hold CC to two TDs. I expect riverview to make a good run this year too.

  31. That's a good win for CC. I like how Bub (Kipf) has really got the flow of the game down. Milan you guys have some serious athletes and hopefully you can get some serious numbers. The stacking the box comment is just plain idiotic. We hope you load the box so we can flank you, we hope you play soft so we can get three yards, we hope you play wide so we can play trap games, we hope you play tight to the line so we can out run you. This offense has keys and can answer all schemes when run right.

    1. I played on the 12&13team that beat two good cc teams. We did something schematically to do it. Line up take on your man keep leverage know where football is.You must play 11on 11 not 11on 8. Secondary has to be factor. Trap counter power keep is all you have to defend. It worked!

    2. Not anymore, the last 3 years they have been able to throw the ball. If you honor the pass you don't have enough to stop them consistently up front. Put too many in the box, and they can now put it up.

    1. Not really a fair question. Week 7 SMCC would've given Week 7 Riverview a bigger beating than they gave Milan. Week 7 SMCC would have given Week 2 SMCC a beat down. They have made a few key adjustments to their personnel and rotation on both sides of the ball.

  32. 10:15pm – ??? What's your reasoning for that? Genuinely curious. SMCC is good for the Huron League, just like how Milan is generally good for the league. Everyone benefits from playing good teams.

  33. You can't have a team removed from the league you idiot! Why would you think that, so you can have a league full of mediocre teams?

  34. Airport Team played hard. Gave great effort but Gross Ile out scored Jets in second half. Tough night at Airport Homecoming. Watch out for these Jets in 2016 as they have a great JV squad, excellent coaching, and many returning athletes. Congratulations to Gross Ile!

  35. I was sitting on the SMCC side tonight. Some nice lady three rows down say "so much for that 21-20 score he predicted". I replied wit, "yea that guy doesn't know anything". Good times! Congrats Falcons.

    1. LOL! Chris is alright. Some people don't understand paper match ups. Some teams by their paper stats appear to be closer than when they physically play. Should've asked her for her advice on score calling and predictions.


  36. If SMCC makes a deep run in playoffs, I will be filing an official petition with the MHSAA and the Huron League to remove them from the league. Signatures won't be a problem. Had Enough.

    By the way, NOT from Milan.

    Prey on somebody else.

    1. I'm sure Coach Cisco would be disappointed if you brought your petition to him. He is a man's man and would not be complaining as you are. In fact, he scheduled tough teams to play. Maybe you need to take a step back and learn from your elders and man up.

  37. Utter Disappointment. Same old crap in this league. Does anybody know how to coach. This is a game of adjustments. If you don't make the adjustment, you will lose. Just ask Milan and Jefferson. SMCC adjusted after the 1st quarter and spanked Milan. Huron adjusted at halftime and spanked Jefferson.

    If your not capable of adjusting, you shouldn't be coaching. There's too many kids that lay it all out there for their team to lose because their coaches can't get it done. Does anybody know what balance is besides me. Why would any team, any time line up without any receivers. Defense stacks the box and your stopped.

    Same old crap. Bring on wrestling season.

  38. Pray for class. *bows head*

    Keep your heads up Milan. You guys are number 2. Beats the hell out of coming in last. Finish your season, and set fires in the playoffs.


  39. Well Milan what can you sa y now. The proof was on the field tonight. The Falcons left no doubt!! SMCC has the better team all the way around. LET US PREY!!

    1. Milan….congratulations on a well fought game. Your players demonstrated tremendous sportsmenship, talent and drive. We as a community at SMCC hope you know this response does not reflect what our community as a whole feels. We are proud of our win, but we respect you and your program. Best moment was when both teams joined in prayer at the end of the game. With #9 and #4s arms around each other. That speaks volumes. Proud of those kids and thier level of class at such a young age!

  40. I'll be VERY interested to hear your take on the game, Chris. Couldn't be happier in saying that I was wrong. I picked Milan to win this one, but SMCC made sure everyone knew who's the best team in the league this year.

    I think Milan is a good team that could win a few playoff games.

    I think SMCC is a great team that could make a very deep playoff run.

    1. Same mistakes on defense every week no changes. They opened up the play book on offense a bit I'll give them that. Very frustrating

    1. I think 8:43 means that Airport continues to lose but doesn't make any adjustments. Meiring is decent, but maybe spread the ball around more. What is Goretski's yards per carry, for example? I think it is pretty high, but how many carries does he get per game? Foor should be used more as he looks to be as quick as anyone in the league. On defense, Airport has given up 219 points this year stopping only Jefferson. They need to make adjustments, but haven't.

  41. Milan thinking of kicking onsides? The SMCC offense has dominated possession and Milan only had the ball a few minutes in the second quarter. I see Carrabino taking over the game. Let us prey!

  42. Huron is awful they are overrated, just because they just had an amazing senior class last year everyone thinks Huron is great when their not. here is the same old Huron everyone knows

    1. @9:32 you have been a bottom feeder since Huron was established as a school, and I don't even care about this league just stating that Huron is god awful

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