Week 2 Playoff Video Picks

Watch as Chris and Frank (minus Gary) broadcast from The Pitch in Waltz, Michigan. The show is broken down into 2 videos (mainly because Chris has no clue what he is doing). There is great content in each video. As always please hit the subscribe button and support our sponsors.

Video 1 ———–> Click here

Video 2 ————-> Click here

19 thoughts on “Week 2 Playoff Video Picks”

  1. You guys just don’t get it, Tecumseh is a different beast than anything Riverview has seen all year. Airport held Riverview to 18 points yet gave up over 50 to Tecumseh. You also keep saying they won’t stop Riverview one time but you have that backwards, Riverview might not stop Tecumseh one time. Tecumseh too fast and more physical than Riverview.

    1. You don’t get it HSFOOTBALLFAN. You lose credibility with posts like these. Riverview is a damn good team, and anybody who knows anything at all about HS football knows this. If you think Tecumseh is going to win, that’s fine. But perhaps you should give some credit because Riverview will be the best team you’ve seen all season. They are 10-0 for a reason.

    2. HS football fan
      You don’t win 10 games and not be a good team.
      Tecumseh better be ready.
      Riverview plays the clock vary good.
      They will keep Tecumseh offense off the field.
      If they stop Tecumseh on three of there drives. It’s over.

      Huron Dad

    3. Yes Tecumseh is really good but so is Riverview. Saying Tecumseh is faster is debatable but saying they are more physical is just stupid. If I had to pick I would take Riverview by a TD. I don’t think Tecumseh has seen a defense as good as Riverview’s. I trust View’s defense more than Tecumseh’s.

    4. downrivertraphouse

      Dear HSFOOTBALLFAN the views coaching staff is a different beast and they have them kids ready. Hope for a great game and no injuries. GO BUCS

    5. Riverview runs a scheme that will give Tecumseh problems. Will Tecumseh be able to stop them? Who knows? Tecumseh stopped Airport in the second half and they were close to beating Riverview. I think this will be good game and will surprise a lot of people. I think Tecumseh will struggle stopping the T and will control the clock. If they keep the ball out of Tecumseh’s hands then their offense will be a non factor. As far as physicality Riverview matches up just fine there.

    6. HSfootballfan.
      I’m not sure I agree with that.
      Anything can happen on Friday night.
      We will just have to see what happens.
      Riverview has a great run game.
      If they can play the clock and keep Tecumseh offense off the field they can win.
      Riverview will fight to the last play.
      Blood will be flying in The is game.
      It’s anyones game.
      Come on man!!!
      It’s not like Tecumseh has Bo Jackson on the team.

      Riverview 27Tecumseh 20

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