Hope and Concern: Huron Chiefs

Staying in the Huron League, let’s now turn our attention to the Huron Chiefs.

Biggest Reason for Hope: Tom Hoover. Much like Grosse Ile’s John Bodner, Hoover is a veteran coach who has seen it all. Hoover is a highly successful coach and 6-4 is not the expectation he has for his teams. Look for the Chiefs to have a better understanding of Hoover’s system and expect them to be competitive week in and week out.

Biggest Reason for Concern: Graduation hit the Chiefs hard, gone are All-FNV performers: Gavin Moczydlowsky (MSU Baseball), Josh Buettner (SVSU) and Rory Callahan (CMU). While Huron has talent returning, they don’t have players on the level of those three.

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